“We dream a world where sustainable technology guides nature to express its best qualities.
Ruled by human thought nature will be gentle with us.
Hosting nature in its womb technology will be respectful of the planet.
This is how NAGLEV sprouted, like a forest in a glass bubble”
Achille and Elettra Morlin, founders

NAGLEV is an outdoor footwear company lead by Elettra and Achille Morlin, founder and creative director, located in Montebelluna-Italy, the area where outdoor footwear was designed and produced for the first time ever
A journey that started six generations ago
The shoe business in the North of Italy dates back to the Middle Ages when in Venice craftsmen called “calegheri” used to construct and sell shoes to the rich venetian merchants. By the beginning of XIX century, documents record that shoemaking was known and practised in Montebelluna. After World War I people became interested in mountain sports and Montebelluna’s craftmen started to produce mountain boots. Also our Morlin family, that from the end of 1800 used to construct shoes, decided to create its own boots too, starting a journey that, after six generations, we are still living.

We believe that nature is the setting where humans can experience the authentic well-being.
This is why, with our products, we want to re-create a natural environment around your feet to grant you the highest comfort.

We want to put our local genetic love for shoes at the service of the best worldwide technology and sources.
This is how local bumps into global and creates something new, a “glocal” evolution called NAGLEV.

We want to find and adopt the most cutting-edge technology in full compliance with our philosophy.
According to this thinking, we use the most technological advanced materials in order to support the construction of the shoe and to protect your feet from external injuries.